Fall of the samurai darthmod
Fall of the samurai darthmod

fall of the samurai darthmod

  • Various changes to morale and battle mechanics create more lasting battles which are not only an enjoyable experience, due to the fantastic combat animations but also they are very challenging, because the AI benefits from carefully made modding techniques.
  • The speed, accelerations and physics of the units are taken to realistic levels so not only the battles feel more realistic but now you must plan your tactics more carefully because the units do not rush like "Fast Forward Benny Hill" to cover your mistakes.
  • Generally it tries to correct the "No Likes" of my review which you can read at this Link. It focuses on gameplay improvements without changing too much the overall vanilla "flavour".

    fall of the samurai darthmod fall of the samurai darthmod

    In short you can call the mod “ DMS” from now on.

    Fall of the samurai darthmod